Why do I need to perform verification?

Modified on Tue, 13 Dec, 2022 at 2:20 PM

We would like to apologize in advance for this inconvenience, and thank you for your trust. As a provider of telecommunication services we are subject to the regulations of the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM), we have to ask for an identification document for the registration of your SIM card. You can find further information here.

We may only accept the following identification documents for verification:

SymbolRegion/CountryPassportIdentity card
Switzerland / Liechtenstein

EU countries

(Member state of the European Union)


No EU countries


All other countries


In addition, the following documents are accepted:

  • Swiss alien's identity cards of all categories (except N)
  • Diplomatic identity card

We will keep your documents strictly confidential and will not pass them on to third parties.

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